Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What's the Point?

This is my first blog entry, and throughout these entries I'm going to mention the different types of situations that arise when your roommate decides to partake in a long-distance relationship, and how to avoid some of the problems when they appear.

The whole point of college is to meet new people and to hopefully do well enough in school to have a good salary later on in life. To me, I don't see what the point of relationships are during college, because that means that you only allow yourself one person of the opposite sex, or possibly the same, to devote most of your time to. Obviously there are going to be exceptions like people that cheat on their significant others, but forget those tools for the time being. There are hundreds, or even thousands, of students that attend every university in the nation, so what is the point to get tied down in a relationship?

When my roommate informed me last semester that he had a girlfriend I was somewhat surprised. I've been friends with him for almost all of my life and I love the kid, but he really isn't a very good looking guy, which is why I was shocked. Be that as it may, I talked to him about how the two met and things of that nature when he uttered the words, "Oh, and by the way, she goes the University of Memphis." At this point, I was furious. He had pulled this same stunt the year before with a girl that went to Mississippi State University, and had made staying in a dorm with him a living hell. A few of the memories we had included him talking on the phone to his ex-girlfriend many hours of the day while I would be trying to study, as well as Skyping her at all hours of the night and basically just ruining my life. Little did I know, sophomore year was going to end up a lot like freshman year, and I don't mean that in a good way.

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